Florida Family Voice Blog

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What Leadership Looks Like

In a day when public officials are cowardly running from their sworn obligations whenever so called “gay-rights” challenges are at hand, Florida’s Attorney General Pam Bondi is to be commended for her courageous and clear defense of Article I, Section 27 of the Florida Constitution.

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Florida Family Policy Council Announces Publication of Statewide Cultural Indicators Report

The 55 page full color document provides statistical data for 37 cultural indicators in 7 different categories including vital statistics, crime, education, family, health, poverty & welfare, and business & government. Each indicator compares Florida’s status to the rest of the country by using charts, graphs and graphic color images to accompany the raw data.

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Special Notes

Giving Tuesday

This Giving Tuesday, we will be pursuing an ambitious end of year goal of $500,000 for our end-of-year campaign, which starts today.
We are planning a major expansion and adding five new staff positions to really position ourselves for even greater impact on the legislature, the church, and the culture.

Giving Thanks for America’s History

It is important that we remember the past, our traditions as a people, and even history itself.  There are many in society who wish to “cancel” the past and any parts of our history that they don’t like or think are bad. As Christians we should be reminded that remembering the past is a command from Scripture. God often repeated His laws to the Israelites and reminded them of the ways He delivered them from the Egyptians. He had to remind them over and over again of where they had been and how He delivered them because they were a stubborn people.But in the end, God commanded this because it made them thankful. And so remembering the past is a part of Thanksgiving. So-called “Cancel Culture” flies in the face of this truth.

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