Florida Family Voice Blog
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Would you help us now with an end of year gift?
There are only 5 days until 2013 year-end giving opportunities come to a close at midnight on December 31st. Make your year-end tax deductible gift to the Florida Family Policy Council.
Christmas Teaches Us That God is Near
As we approach Christmas this year I am provoked by the thought that our God is near. He is not a far away God, distant or remote. Instead, the God who exists is one who came to seek and save the lost. He does not want distance or enmity between Him and His people.
2013 Accomplishments
A couple of the videos from our Annual Policy Awards Dinner showcase some of what we’ve accomplished this year.
As if the whole struggle depended on me alone
It was a cold day on January 20th, 1981 in Washington, D.C. Newly-elected President Ronald Wilson Reagan was giving his first inaugural address and, in closing, he pulled from history the story of a little-known hero named Martin Treptow.
8th Annual Policy Awards Dinner
We encourage you to watch the videos if you were not able to be part of our biggest event of the year. Thank you again for your support of our work.
Action Alert: Town Hall Meetings in Your Area on Casino Expansion & Common Core
Let your voice be heard in your local community on casino expansion and the Common Core education curriculum.
New Gambling Study Released on Eve of Gambling Committee Meetings
Just days before Committee Week and the Florida Senate’s first meeting to discuss the future of gambling here, comes a new study that could become a valuable guide for lawmakers during their deliberations. 33 scholars have put together their 31 evidence-based propositions regarding state-sponsored gambling.
Introducing Trail Life USA
The name and visual branding for “Trail Life USA” were unveiled publicly for the first time to great applause and excitement by those gathered to launch a Christian alternative to the Boy Scouts of America.
OnMyHonor.Net announces new character building organization for boys
OnMyHonor.Net announced the creation of a new organization this week. Their mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure. The new program will be an exciting and motivating...
John Stemberger Statement on Marriage Decision
John Stemberger, president and general counsel of the Florida Family Policy Council, released the following statement on June 26, 2013 regarding the US Supreme Court's decisions on marriage:Today the U.S. Supreme Court has handed down two major decisions on marriage...
Special Notes
FFPC Praises Governor Ron DeSantis for Signing Bill into Law Prohibiting Males from Competing in Female Sports
(Orlando, FL) The Florida Family Policy Council praises Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis for signing the bill into law which prohibits males from competing in female sports. The bill was signed into law this morning by DeSantis at a Christian school in Jacksonville.
Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Núñez Keynotes South Florida Legislative Prayer Breakfast
On Tuesday, May 25, 2021, Florida Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez honored us as keynote speaker at the South Florida Legislative Prayer Breakfast.
The event was hosted by the Florida Family Policy Council, the South Florida Pastors Network & Asociación de Ministros in Miami.
SPECIAL REPORT AND ACTION ALERT: The Wins and the Losses of the 2021 Special Session on Casino Gambling
Please call and say THANK YOU to all the legislators who VOTED NO on the Compact that Expanded Casino Gambling in Florida.