Clean Credit Card Processing
Does your credit card processing company supporting abortion rights and pornography?
Some time ago Florida Family Voice switched our online credit card processing company and we wanted you to be clear on what we did, and why we did it. We also want to share with you how your ministry or business can benefit from this change as well.
After a long period of research, investigation and interviewing several companies nationwide, we have made a solid decision to switch to a company called Cornerstone Payment Systems who processes all of our online transactions. We as an organization are extremely conservative when it comes to promoting anything commercial other than our cause and issues but we must make an exception in this instance.
Cornerstone states, “[we] put Christ at the Cornerstone of our business”. This profession of faith alone is very impressive, but that is only one of several reasons for the switch. There are three main reasons we made this change, all of which are important.
First and foremost, Cornerstone refuses to process credit card transactions for morally objectionable businesses. For instance, Cornerstone refuses to provide online merchant services to websites that contain pornographic content. They will also have nothing to do with facilitating charitable contributions for Planned Parenthood, which cannot be said for many other companies. We, as a pro-life organization, cannot in good conscience do business with any company that could be supporting abortion rights activists –either directly or indirectly.
Second, Cornerstone saves us money by taking less of a processing fee and therefore we can be a much better steward of your funds. Additionally, Cornerstone makes financial contributions back to the ministries and businesses that use their services so we benefit financially in at least two different ways.
Third, Cornerstone will save FFV time, and make us more efficient in how we internally process your gifts. For instance, the new system deposits your funds directly into our FFV bank account, while the old system held the funds for days in their company accounts until someone manually downloads them for deposit.
We are striving to be principled in every area of our internal operations but especially in the stewardship and handling of your generous gifts. This switch to Cornerstone accomplishes this goal.
And this is no fly-by-night company. Cornerstone has been around for over ten years and processes 7 billion dollars in over 30,000 ministries and businesses including the Home School Legal Defense Fund, American Family Association, Teen Pact, Dennis Rainey’s Family Life ministry, Calvary Chapel churches and World Magazine to just name a few of thousands of ministries they serve. Finally, note that your online gifts will continue to still be strictly confidential and your transactions secure, as Cornerstone’s proprietary encrypted technology gives the highest levels of protection to your personal and financial information.
If you would like to switch your ministry or business credit card processing to Cornerstone and get guaranteed lower processing charges, while knowing that you are also working with a clean processor, then visit
FFV will benefit with contributions from Cornerstone for every new lead who switches to their company. Or you can help us by just spreading the word about Cornerstone and forwarding this webpage by email or Facebook link to those businesses, churches and ministries who use other online payment services.
We had to ask ourselves, why would we not want to switch to Cornerstone? If you do, let us know so that we can thank you personally!
Thank you again for your support.