On Twitter and on our Facebook page we keep you up to date with regular posts about our mission: life, marriage, family and liberty.

We know you don’t spend your whole day online, so here’s a recap of this week’s stories:

  • Legalizing Marijuana: The Conversation in Florida Has Begun 
    John Stemberger says Florida Family Action will fight these bills
  • Stats show twice the number of women died from abortion complications in 2008 than the previous year, the most since 1994 
    “We have to ask why the abortion-related deaths… are buried in the very last table of the report and unremarked on in the news. The news from this report is that abortion harms women, as well as their babies.”
  • The Future of Marriage: Why “The Inevitable” is Not Inevitable 
    “Despite large sums spent… the notion that marriage is between a man and a woman continues to hold sway; and no matter how hard activists try, it seems impossible to strip it away from the human heart of a very substantial portion of people.”
  •  “Two and a Half Men” star Angus Jones Speaks Out
    19-year-old actor urges viewers to avoid the “filthy” show after his conversion to Christianity.
  • Christianity and Abortion: Is It Really That Complicated?
    “Maybe Christianity is not really about loving and helping those in need, protecting the innocent, telling the truth, and bravely defending justice and righteousness. Maybe Christianity is about intentionally and specifically ending an innocent human life if it is inconvenient or difficult, and encouraging women to “solve” their problems with violence against their children.”
  •  The Truth About Marijuana (video)
  • What Does Homosexuality Have to do with the Pro-Life Movement?
    “Being pro-life is much more than saving babies. It’s also about fighting for the flourishing of the human person every step of the way, from conception, through birth, through childhood, through adulthood, till natural death. It’s about promoting a ‘Culture of Life.'” 
  • Homeschooling: Freedom’s Last Stand
    “We already saw warning signs last spring in Alberta, when a spokeswoman for the Minister of Education told LifeSiteNews in a phone interview that morally conservative homeschoolers would not be permitted to teach that homosexual acts are sinful. ‘Whatever the nature of schooling – homeschool, private school, Catholic school – we do not tolerate disrespect for differences,’ she said. After a massive public outcry, the government backed down. But the point is, no matter what you believe about homosexuality, if the government can tell one person what to teach their child, they can do it to you too.”

We also wrote two blog posts this week:

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