Considering Divorce
Considering divorce? Restore and rebuild your marriage with these trusted counseling and reconciliation resources, programs, retreats and seminars:
Marriage 911 Ministry
Reconciling God’s Way and Marriage 911 Ministry is an international, faith-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to couples or individuals who are struggling in their marriage. Their website provides a marriage first-aid kit that consists of: reading Yes, your Marriage can be Saved (a book about twelve truths to reconcile your relationship); joining a “Marriage 911” 12-week class for couples (or for just one member of the couple); and starting a same-gender support group to watch videos and go through the Marriage 911 workbook. The Marriage 911 website offers tips on marriage, testimonial videos, and workshops and seminars.
The Retrouvaille is a program that offers tools for couples to rediscover a loving marriage relationship. The program consists of a weekend experience and a series of 6-12 post-weekend sessions over 3 months. The program is not a retreat, marriage counseling or a sensitivity group. It focuses on healing rather than on hurting. This program is Catholic in origin but couples of all religions and beliefs are welcome. There are multiple program locations in each US state and in other countries as well.
Hope Restored
Focus on the Family
Need Hope? Call: 1-866-875-2915
Focus on the Family’s Hope Restored intensives offer marriage counseling for couples who are facing an extreme crisis in their marriage, and who may even feel they are headed for divorce. Hope Restored Intensives are all-inclusive, extended periods of counseling over multiple days that allow our team of marriage counselors to get to the root of the problem.
Live the Life Ministries
Phone: 904-374-6365
Live the Life Ministries teaches practical, transformational relationship skills through experiential learning and evidence-based programs. Their programs show individuals HOW to have a stronger marriage, HOW to become a godly man, and HOW to build a healthy family. Their Hope Weekends are designed to help couples rebuild intimacy and trust, and to teach couples essential relationship skills for developing, maintaining, and sustaining a deeply-bonded and connected relationship. Live the Life also provides classes and 1-on-1 intensive programs for struggling couples. The ministry has locations in Tallahassee, Panama City, Jacksonville, Fort Lauderdale, and Sarasota/Bradenton.
Intimate Life Ministries
The Great Commandment training encourages a movement of healthy marriages and families, healthy churches and ministries. This organization offers Galatians 6:6 Retreats, which provide renewal and enrichment to ministry couples who are so involved in “giving to others” that their personal lives are neglected. These retreats are held in various locations in the US and in Europe.
This website provides access to The Love Dare book and the Fireproof Your Marriage Study; as well as a marriage helpline to receive immediate help; a Catholic study guide for Fireproof; and links to other booklets, books, and organizations designed to help couples facing marriage difficulties.
The 5 Love Languages
This website provides a quiz through which couples can learn their love language, descriptions of each of the 5 love languages, Gary Chapman’s books: including The 5 Love Languages, The Five Languages of Apology, and others, as well as videos featuring Gary Chapman.
National Marriage Encounter
This organization provides marriage encounter weekends of 2 or 3 days for couples of all ages and faith to grow in their marriage through open and honest communication.
Winshape Retreat
Winshape Retreat offers retreats for married couples in crisis. Couples Intensives are four-day programs designed for couples in crisis who need healing and restoration.
Marriage Builders
The Marriage Builders website contains a great deal of information and resources for couples struggling with the possibility of divorce including articles, books, radio broadcasts, question and answer columns, videos, courses and seminars, and telephone coaching.
Family Life
Family Life is a Christian-based organization that provides information about staying married, the challenges of marriage, troubled marriages, and divorce. Within the challenges of marriage section is information and videos about saving a marriage, dealing with a cheating spouse, and stories of changed lives and transformed legacies. This website provides a helpline, counseling options, small group studies, and church resources.
Church Initiative Ministries
Church Initiative Ministries has put together “Before you Divorce” which helps couples step back from their emotional turmoil in order to take an objective view of divorce and its emotional, physical, financial, legal, children and family, and spiritual effects. This kit can be ordered by phone.
Focus on the Family Counseling Services
Focus on the Family offers a one-time complimentary consultation from a Christian perspective.
To reach Focus on the Family’s counseling service by phone, call 1-855-771-HELP (4357) weekdays 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Mountain Time). They also offer referrals for licensed Christian counselors in your area.
Marriage Coaching Services, call 866 831-4201
Christian coaches will help you learn and more importantly apply 10 key relationship skills to create a rewarding and lasting marriage. Weekly sessions are 2+ hours for 10-12 weeks. 89% of the couples, considering divorce or are in the process, decide to stay together after completing the program. Money back guarantee.* (*See exclusions)