Defend Your Constitutional Rights and Request Legal Help

Defend your Constitutional rights and request legal help using the following resources:

Alliance Defending Freedom
Alliance Defending Freedom is dedicated to defending the right to hear and speak the truth through strategy, training, funding, and direct litigation. You can request legal help by phone or at the above link.

Liberty Counsel
Phone: 1-800-671-1776
Email: [email protected]
Liberty Counsel is an international 501(c)(3) nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of life and the family by providing pro bono assistance and representation on these and related topics. Legal representation can be requested by phone or at the above link.

First Liberty Institute
Phone: 1-972-941-4444
First Liberty Institute is the largest non-profit legal organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to defending religious liberty for all Americans.

Christian Law Association
If you have a legal emergency, call 1-888-252-1969.
Christian Law Association provides free legal assistance to Christian churches and Christians experiencing governmental regulation, intrusion or prohibition that affects their practice of religious faith. The website provides a phone number for any legal emergencies and a contact form to submit other requests for legal assistance.

Protect Your Church Ministry Legal Resources
Florida Family Policy Council
If you are not currently in need of legal representation, but would like to know what you and your church or ministry can do to protect your ministry, please visit our resource page.

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