Clarence Thomas Movie Airing Free Tonight
Mon, 5/18 at 10pm on PBS
We highly recommend you and your family plan to see the Created Equal movie, Clarence Thomas in his own words tonight. This is a rare and remarkable look at the life and story of a Supreme Court Justice who rarely speaks in public. This is mandatory viewing for every young person. This movie will air for free TONIGHT Monday, May 18, at 10:00pm ET on most PBS stations across Florida. (check local listings, for different air times around the country). Available on other limited streaming services for 14 days after today. For more information, check out:
We are Hiring Paid Summer Interns:
The FFPC is interviewing for two paid internships for the summer. Full time, 60 days through June and July. Law students and mature year college students. Details here:
Past Webinar Videos Now Online:
WATCH: Strategies for Re-Opening Church
(More Resources & Proposals for Re-Opening Church
WATCH: Re-Opening Florida and the Economy
WATCH: Using Technology and Data in the Church
Sign up for this Thursday’s Webinar on Art of Neighboring with David Runyon:
This Thursday, May 21, at 11:30am ET we will be holding the final webinar in our series on Christian Leadership in a Pandemic. The topic will be on the Art of Neighboring. We will also be introducing the exciting new author and voice, David Runyon, who has written the book, The Art of Neighboring,” which has been implemented in over 1,000 churches. Sign up for this now here:
Cares Act Updates:
There are still millions of dollars left in the Cares Act for small businesses, churches and non-profits who have been hurt financially as a result of the COVID lockdown. You can apply here and get questions answered on our site at
Patriot Academy will be Online June 2020:
Patriot Academy’s regional bootcamps have gone to an online format for summer 2020. These camps have been combined into two virtual boot camps held June 8-10 & June 22-24. Applicants can apply to one of the two dates here:
SAVE THE DATE: FFPC Annual Dinner with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Oct 3rd
SAVE THE DATE: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rescheduled to be keynote speaker at 15th Anniversary Policy Awards Dinner, Saturday night, October 3, 2020, in Orlando. Mark your calendar and more details will come in the weeks to follow.
Resources now available from Last Week’s Webinar on Using Technology & Data in the Church:
Register to use the powerful “Pulse Survey” tool created by Barna: powered by Gloo and become part of “State of the Church” network. Sign up for this free service here: https://www.mypeoplecheckin.
Sign up for Cornerstone clean credit card processing: Most major credit card processing companies facilitate transactions for pornography and or abortions and then also give their profits and donate and support those who are pro-abortion rights. Cornerstone is a clean credit card processor and is used by hundreds of major ministries across the country. Sign up here https://www.
Communio neighborhood data, marketing services and strengthening marriages: If your interested in a strategy using data to grow your church and strengthen marriages right around your neighborhood you need to check out and connect with Communio.
Florida Family Policy Council
4853 S. Orange Ave, Suite C, Orlando, FL 32806
[email protected] * Phone: 407-251-5130