About FFV
Who We Are
Florida Family Voice (FFV) is one of 38 state-based policy councils around the country associated with the Family Policy Alliance, Focus on the Family, Alliance Defending Freedom, and Family Research Council. Many of these councils are the leading pro-life, pro-family organizations in their respective states. FFPC is a 501c3 non-profit corporation under the IRS tax code. We have an independent board of directors and are responsible for raising our financial support.
Our Motto
“For Life, Marriage, Family, and Liberty.”
Our Vision
“A Nation Where God is Honored, Life is Cherished, Families Thrive and Religious Liberty Flourishes.”
Our Mission Statement
“To Protect and Defend Life, Marriage, Family and Liberty Through Education, Advocacy and Empowerment.”
Core Values
- Believing that God is the author of life, liberty, and the family, Florida Family Voice promotes the Christian worldview as the basis for a just, free and stable society.
- God exists and is sovereign over all creation. He created human beings in His image. Human life is, therefore, sacred and the right to life is the most fundamental of political rights.
- Life and love are inextricably linked and find their natural expression in the institutions of natural marriage and the family as the foundation of civilization.
- The government has the duty to promote and protect marriage and family in law and public policy.
- Humility and integrity are the cornerstones of Christian character and shall influence all that we do.
Core Issues
Below is a list of the most common issues we address as social conservative pro-family advocates. See our “Issues and Research” page for more in-depth information, research and arguments on each of these issues.
End of Life
Human Trafficking
Marriage and Divorce
Pornography & Obscenity
LGBT Agenda & Transgenderism
Science Curriculums
School Choice
Parents Rights
Sex Education & Abstinence
Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity
Judicial Activism
Religious Liberty
Church & State Issues
Free Speech & First Amendment
Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Laws
Over the last 20 years, through the prayers and support of like-minded mission partners like you, Florida Family Voice (FFV) has established itself as one of the nation’s premier public policy organizations. Today, we remain relentless in our pursuit of those things which the unchanging God calls right, just and beautiful.
While elected officials, government, or even good public policy are important, and each has their role, ultimately our true hope is found in the timeless and unchanging truth and the God who gave those truths.
We seek to inspire hope in hearts and minds. We also declare that our goal is to be faithful to our call to defend and promote life, marriage, family, and liberty into the next twenty years. Thank you for your support. For a more in-depth look at the organization’s history, please visit our page “Celebrating Twenty Years of Fighting for Life, Marriage, Family, and Liberty.”
Florida Family Voice (FFV) is our 501c3 and flagship organization associated with Focus on the Family whose primary purpose is to EDUCATE. FFV is committed to using solid research, sound arguments, and articulate presentations to make a case for pro-life, pro-family values in the public square.
Florida Family Action is our 501c4 social advocacy organization whose primary purpose is to LOBBY or to advocate robustly for or against various legislation or issues.