by Admin | Jul 6, 2016 | Editorials, Press Releases
Regarding your repeated charge that fellow legislators make others “prone to committing violent acts” when they make “speeches” in opposition to bills which call for special and new LGBT rights in the Legislature.By John Stemberger Published at...
by Admin | Apr 17, 2015 | Family, Liberty
From the Office of the General Counsel* of the Florida Family Policy Council ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: A Summary Response to the Memorandum Issued by the Office of the General Counsel to the Florida Senate Regarding Conscience Clause for Adoption Agencies and Why HB-7111...
by Admin | Apr 6, 2015 | Family
An Open Letter to the Florida Legislature: Regarding Florida’s Law Prohibiting Homosexual Adoptions By John Stemberger, General Counsel Florida Family Policy Council March 20, 2015 Dear Florida Legislators, There appears to be a fair amount of misleading information...