On Tuesday we sent an email including a list of leaders and organizations’ opinions on Amendment 8. (Not on our email list? Sign up now!) In the last two days even more leaders have declared their support for one of the most important Amendments on the ballot.
Florida Family Action supports this religious liberty Amendment.
Supporting Pro Religious Liberty Amendment 8:
- NEW! Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel
- NEW! Pat Andrews of Florida Eagle Forum
- NEW! David Caton and the Florida Family Association
- NEW! Mike Hill of the North Florida Tea Party
- NEW! Michael Rodriguez of NAFAPAC
- NEW! State Representative Will Weatherford, Speaker Pro Tempore
- Florida Chamber of Commerce
- James Madison Institute
- Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush
- U.S. Senator Marco Rubio
- Speaker Designate Will Weatherford
- Florida Senator Anitere Flores
- Florida Representatives Steve Precourt
- Florida Representative Scott Plakon
- Florida CFO Jeff Atwater
- Attorney John Stemberger
- Florida Baptist Convention
- Florida Family Action
- Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Catholic Association of Latino Leaders
- Catholics Called 2 Witness
- United Christians of Florida
- Faith and Freedom Coalition
- Christian Family Coalition
- Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
Against Pro-Religious Liberty Amendment 8:
- Florida American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- Tea Party Leader Kris Anne Hall
- Planned Parenthood
- Americans United for Separation of Church and State
- League of Women Voters
- Florida Atheists and Secular Humanists
- Florida Education Association