The theme of this year’s event is “Overcoming the World”. We have several inspiring speakers lined up and testimonies from people who have overcome the pressure of the world. We have a great program planned and look forward to making this our best event yet!
Confirmed Speakers & Special Guests:
Walt Heyer (detransitioned formerly transgendered) and Angel Colon & Luis Ruiz (Pulse survivors)
Speaker-Designate Chris Sprowls Senator Dennis Baxley Senator Kelli Stargel Representative Erin Grall Representative Clay Yarborough
The Full Pro-Family Days Package includes 2 days of activities, beginning at 2:30 pm on Monday, January 27, 2020, and ending on Tuesday afternoon January 28, 2020. Individual tickets to just the Monday special dinner event or the Tuesday prayer breakfast are also available for purchase.
Full 2-day Package – $75
Two days of fellowship with other like-minded, pro-family supporters from around the state; Legislative briefings by experts on their respective issue; All printed materials needed on the key issues; Focused citizen lobby training; Hearing from special speakers who are some of Florida’s leading advocates on life, marriage, family, and religious liberty; Opportunity to hear from leading Christian legislators who are champions on our issues; A time of corporate prayer; Reception prior to dinner with speakers and special guests; Tickets to our Monday evening dinner event with keynote speaker; Ticket to our Tuesday morning prayer breakfast with legislators; Set appointments to meet with legislators; Additional planned activities to be determined.
Full-time Pastors and their spouses will receive a discounted rate of $50.