Is it hopeless? Here is how we reclaim hope…

Is it hopeless? Here is how we reclaim hope…

Is it hopeless? That’s an excellent question!  I have personally talked with some people lately who have even been on the verge of despair when it comes to the condition of our culture.  Without seeing the whole picture, it can seem almost hopeless. Here is how we...

A Summary Response to the Memorandum Issued by the Office of the General Counsel to the Florida Senate Regarding Conscience Clause for Adoption Agencies and Why HB-7111 is Needed to Protect Florida’s Faith-Based Child Placement Agencies

From the Office of the General Counsel* of the Florida Family Policy Council ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: A Summary Response to the Memorandum Issued by the Office of the General Counsel to the Florida Senate Regarding Conscience Clause for Adoption Agencies and Why HB-7111...