Is it hopeless?
That’s an excellent question! I have personally talked with some people lately who have even been on the verge of despair when it comes to the condition of our culture. Without seeing the whole picture, it can seem almost hopeless.
Here is how we conquer discouragement. Here is how we reclaim hope:
We look at the whole picture, not at just what we feel… and we look at the facts of history.
First, is the series of accomplishments in our own history, which you had a part in making and are highlighted in our Reclaiming Hope 10thAnniversary brochure. (Click here to view.)
So many of those battles would not have been won if we had given up when it looked hopeless.
Many times, all odds were against us, and all major institutions of society were against us. With odds against us, we stood and fought for Godly principles; you believed in us and supported the mission; and together we won what I dare to call God-sized accomplishments.
Please stand with us, in hope, in prayer, and know your year-end tax deductible gifts of support today will continue to earn a positive return on investment in our culture in Florida and beyond. DONATE TODAY
When you consider men or women who stood strong against all odds, who fought discouragement and reclaimed hope, a number of examples come to mind – all of which changed the very course of history.
What if William Wilberforce had lost hope? What if Wilberforce gave up and never fought for the end of the slave trade? What if he gave up in the 25th year and never saw the victory he experienced in year 26?
What if George Washington had lost hope? What if during the Battle at Trenton, General Washington had allowed the discouragement of losing nine previous battles over five years, with hundreds of men defecting every day, to cause him to give up? Despite brutal freezing weather, and lack of morale, he led his troops to cross the Delaware River in the middle of the night to defeat the Hessian Army. This miraculous victory restored needed momentum to the Patriot cause, and helped steer the successful outcome of the American Revolution.
Finally, and most importantly what if Mary, the Mother of Jesus, had lost hope? What if Mary allowed confusion, uncertainty and fear to control her? She was a teenage girl who had never been with a man and she had to stand alone, on the promise of an angel, for what she knew in her heart to be true, when she could have faced the death penalty for what would have appeared to everyone else as the result of adultery or fornication. Can you imagine the pressure that Mary would have experienced from our modern day culture to abort the very Son of God? Because Mary had hope and faith in what she knew was true, and right, and beautiful within her womb, we now have a Savior!
History is rich with examples like this which should inspire and motivate us to not lose heart.
Not everyone is called to have the same journey and struggle as Wilberforce, Washington or Mary. But as unique and important to history as these individuals were, so are you.
With your help, prayers, and financial support, together we will see even more accomplishments, to the Glory of God and for future generations.
Our three top priorities in the next three months:
1) Defund Planned Parenthood for good in Florida. If you have been following our emails or Facebook, you know that we have been calling on Governor Rick Scott to do what several other Governors have already done, and defund Planned Parenthood (PP), and reroute the taxpayer funding from PP to other more qualified healthcare facilities which do not provide abortions.
2) Restrict or prevent SOGI ordinances and laws. These so-called non-discrimination sexual orientation gender identity (SOGI) ordinances or laws are popping up around the country, including in Florida. Most at risk are ordinances involving cross-dressing and transgendered teenagers. Officials are attempting to evaluate policies allowing fully biological boys to use bathrooms, locker rooms and even showers with girls.
3) The 2016 Legislative Session is gearing up with committee meetings and bill drafting deadlines. Much is at stake. Some issues we anticipate being engaged in are potential bills related to regulating abortion clinics, opposing special rights for homosexuals, and a pastors’ protection act, just to name a few. It is our privilege to be “your voice for your values” in the Capitol, as well as to the media when the Session starts next month.
There is a lot going on, and we are diligently working on multiple issues all the time, while on watch for new threats as well.
That’s why your support today is so critical and so helpful.
Knowing that we have our financial needs met, allows us to fully engage in these three major battles (and the others on the horizon) and not have to concentrate so much of our staff’s valuable time and effort on fundraising.
Please remember, we can’t do this without you.
Would you please prayerfully consider the most generous gift you can at this time?
Thank you for your support!
John Stemberger
President and General Counsel
PS: With your gift today you will be joining us as we work to reclaim hope in Florida, and work to advance God’s timeless values and truths which will never be on the wrong side of history. Thank you for your support.