On Tuesday, September 30, 2020, FFPC hosted a webinar with two of today’s greatest thinkers and American theologians Dr. Al Mohler and Dr. Wayne Grudem, along with pastors Dean Inserra (City Church, Tallahassee, FL), Pastor Rob Pacienza (Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale, FL), Dr. Kevin Baird (Florida Capitol Project, Jacksonville, FL), and FFPC President & General Counsel John Stemberger (Florida Family Policy Council, Orlando, FL), in a gospel-centered discussion on leadership. Particularly, what it means to lead the church and engage culture effectively during the 2020 elections.
You can watch this highly-informative and thoughtful discussion here:
For more information or for additional church voter mobilization and election resources, including sermon prompts and outlines, church bulletin inserts, church-friendly videos, and more, please visit our Church Election Resources page.
To mobilize your church and launch a voter registration drive, visit: CalledtoVote.org.