The Senator Marco Rubio Corona Crisis Briefing today was a HUGE success and is now online here. The 500 call limit filled up immediately and hundreds were turned away. Our apologies for those who tried to call in but could not.

Sen. Rubio was really extraordinary during this interview.  His grasp of history, theology, world affairs and this new crisis was simply remarkable as he gave us a Christian perspective on this issue.  This interview is a must listen for every pastor and Christian leader. The audio is a bit rough but the content is great.

Please forward this message to every Christian leader you know. The audio file for the briefing is also stored on our Corona Virus web page with unique resources for pastors and churches.

Thank you again for your prayers and support.

John Stemberger


Please see below information for quick resources:

Strategic Leadership in a Time of Global Crisis


A Corona Virus Constitutional Law Discussion by Michael Farris HERE.

How to Broadcast and Live-stream your Church Service HERE.

Prayer Call with Sen. Rick Scott, Fri. 3/20/20 12 noon ET HERE.

Legal Call: Corona Virus & Religious Liberty, 3/20/20 12 noon ET HERE.

Ideas for those unexpectedly having to home educate their children HERE.

Questions from Pastors only please contact Kevin Baird for follow up and resources at

Hosted & Sponsored by the Florida Family Policy Council
4853 S. Orange Ave, Suite C, Orlando, FL 32806
[email protected]  *  Phone:  407-251-5130

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