15 Victories!
I’m thrilled to report to you that as a result of your support, a lot of hard work and by God’s favor, we achieved 15 VICTORIES during this legislative session, either by PASSING good legislation or by DEFEATING bad proposed legislation.
Frankly, surviving the intense 60-day Florida Legislative Session is no small accomplishment – for all of the legislators in the House and Senate, for their staffs – or for us! While many states have legislative sessions that go on throughout the year at a more normal pace, Florida’s is compressed, intense, and complex.
Engaging in the legislative process is expensive and labor intensive, but there is no other way to get the kind of moment by moment coverage where you can really make a difference in the outcome.
While legislative session is only 60 days long, please understand, the results of these victories took literally many months and years of preparation to achieve.
That is one reason why your consistent faithful support of this work is so important.
Would you consider investing in our work today?
Legislative session is over, but our work is not. Here is why:
For us, here at your Florida Family Policy Council, there are 4 phases of time and activity which affect every piece of legislation.
The first part of a legislative victory is working to identify and then elect the right people to office (House, Senate and Governor) who will vote the right way on these bills – this happens from 1-7 years before any bill is voted on or passed, with elections every 2 years.
The second part of a legislative victory is establishing respectful relationships with legislators and staff in their districts before a legislative session, so that they are familiar with us and we know where they stand on certain issues. This happens in between legislative sessions throughout the year, visiting many members in their own districts.
The third part of a legislative victory is communicating with legislators and their staff during session, why bills are good or bad, and the potential positive or negative effects of the bill.
The fourth part of a legislative victory is holding legislators accountable for their actions and their votes after the session. We gratefully acknowledge the legislators who have taken stands for life, marriage, family and religious liberty…. and we reveal to voters those elected officials who have worked against these timeless values. We make this information available with a Legislative Scorecard prior to elections.
You can see that while an official Legislative Session is short and intense – only 60 days – these victories were not easy. They were not quick.
They required our faithfulness and were the results of years of effort and prayer.
Would you please consider making an investment in this ongoing work today?
You can see that we continue to make progress and achieve victories, but they don’t happen by chance. Together we pray, we work, you contribute, and the results are God’s.
To see our Victory Report please click HERE.
We have so much going on right now!
We are wrapping up the Legislative Session, beginning to focus on our youth worldview training programs coming up in early summer, and elections for the Florida House, Senate, and Governor take place in August and November.
We are also getting ready for our 13th Annual Dinner which will take place onSaturday evening, May 5th in Orlando, FL. Our special guest, Frank Luntz, nationally respected news commentator, political analyst and pollster, will be moderating Florida’s First GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Forum live as part of our dinner program!
As the highest ranking elected official in our state, Florida’s next Governor will serve at a critical time in history and all of the values we hold dear are on the line. I hope you will be able to join us for this important and insightful evening and get to know these candidates.
To purchase tickets or see more information about the dinner visit our website HERE.
Finally, my work on the historic 20-year Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) is coming to a close in the next month. The hundreds of hours I spent traveling, researching, sitting in meetings, committee meetings and public hearings has been exhausting but rewarding. It was a privilege to serve, and I was grateful to be able to meet with so many of you who came out to the public hearings all around the state.
Everything we do is because we have a vision for America, “Where God is Honored, Life is Cherished, Families Thrive and Religious Liberty Flourishes.”
We work toward realizing this vision and making it a reality victory by victory, election by election, bill by bill… as we pursue our Mission: “To Protect and Defend Life, Marriage, Family and Liberty Through Education, Advocacy and Empowerment.”
Your gifts in the past have helped to make these 15 victories possible.
Together, let’s see what God has in store for us the rest of this year!
John Stemberger
President and General Counsel
PS: Your gifts now help us wrap up the legislative session; organize the Annual Dinner and Gubernatorial Candidate Forum May 5th; get ready for the youth worldview training programs like Patriot Academy, Teen Pact, and Summit in summer; and prepare Voter Guides for the upcoming elections! Thank you for your prayers and support!