Dear Friend,

We are inviting students to join us this summer for our Florida Patriot Academy Capitol Boot Camp, a fun, entertaining, educational, and inspirational leadership camp. Every Patriot Academy (PA) Capitol Boot Camp is world-class leadership training specializing in applied civics with a Biblical, historical, and Constitutional foundation. PA students develop leadership skills with an emphasis on character, courage, life-purpose, and personal skills, underpinned by a founding fathers’ philosophy of governance. PA is the premier political leadership training ground in the nation, with the most realistic simulated-legislative session available. This year, our Florida camp will be held at the state Capitol in Tallahassee from Wednesday, June 29th through Friday, July 1st. Students will stay at a nearby hotel and will be shuttled to the capitol each day and back to the hotel at night.

The Regional Florida Patriot Academy online application is now open, and every PA Capitol Boot Camp has extremely limited availability, so you should apply early to increase the likelihood of acceptance.

  • Early Bird Rate: $397 by April 15th
  • Regular Rate: $477 by June 15th
  • Late Rate: $527 after June 15th

*Tuition-in-full must be postmarked or paid online by the date indicated.
*Tuition rates listed include the $97 deposit fee.

*To apply for a scholarship, write an essay between 300-500 words on what you believe the greatest threat to America is today and send us a video of at least 60 seconds about why you are a Christian. Click this link to apply for the scholarship. **PLEASE NOTE: This is not the same as the camp application. You will need to apply for both separately.**

Patriot Academy’s purpose is to inspire, educate, train, and equip young leaders who share the stated mission of The Torch of Freedom Foundation to restore America’s Constitutional Republic by renewing our Biblical principles of liberty upon which the nation was built.

Applicants must demonstrate a mindset in line with this mission, a willingness to learn more about accomplishing such a mission; and a strong work ethic through preparation, fundraising, and service.

PA is fantastic for young men and women who want to lead their generation and the nation alike. Students are challenged to analyze legislation in light of the timeless principles that have made America exceptional. It exposes students to outstanding speakers who instill the highest standards of character and leadership while participating in one of the most realistic simulated legislative sessions in the nation. You don’t want to miss it! Apply online here.

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