Thursday, January 27, 2022
DeSantis joined by Abby Johnson and
Congresswoman Kat Cammack
(Tallahassee, FL) Two-hundred guests attended the Florida Family Policy Council’s Pro-Life, Pro-Family Days prayer breakfast on Tuesday, January 25th at 7:30AM with Governor Ron DeSantis. The Governor spoke along with Abby Johnson and Kat Cammack in Tallahassee on the theme, #LifeWins.
The Governor made remarks on his intent to pass the 15-week pro-life bill. “I really believe with the legislature’s support, we’re going to be able to sign the strongest pro-life protection with the 15-week bill that this state has seen in decades,” he said. He touted several victories for the state of Florida over the past few years, including the parental consent for abortion law that was passed in 2020 and the protecting women’s sports law, as well as his desire for more transparency in education and opposing Critical Race Theory. Several notable state representatives were also present at the event.
Abby Johnson spoke about her experience with the lies of the pro-choice lobby and the danger of medication abortions. She described a time when she pretended to be an 18-year old girl who submitted a request for an abortion to Planned Parenthood, who in turn told her that she did not need an ID at all to purchase abortion-inducing drugs. She pretended to be 12 weeks pregnant, but they assured her that even though the drugs would take 4 weeks to ship to her, she could still take them when she was 16 weeks pregnant, which in actuality could have led to sepsis, hemorrhage, or death. She raised concern over the fact that roughly 50% of abortions right now in the US are medication abortions and that that number will continue to rise.
Kat Cammack spoke about her work at the federal level protecting unborn lives and the difficulty in passing the Born Alive Abortion Survivor Protection Act. She mentioned her shock when several of her colleagues could not even support what was essentially an outlawing of murder. She mentioned that more men need to speak up about abortion and should not feel ashamed about addressing the topic as men.
As Florida anticipates the Dobbs Supreme Court decision in July which will likely uphold Mississippi’s 15-week ban, making it legal across the country to enact similar laws, all eyes are on the legislature to pass a 15-week ban which will be one of the most robust protections for the lives of the unborn since prior to Roe v. Wade. This year, Florida has a conservative Supreme Court as well as a Republican governor and Republican Congress. Should a new pro-life law be passed and later challenged in court, there is even a chance the state could overturn its own version of Roe v. Wade. The legislative session starts in early January and lasts for 9 weeks, and optimism runs high that the 15-week abortion law will pass.