Who is Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr?

Who is Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr?

You may have asked the following question: Who is Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr?  First, in my view, Dr. Mohler is one of the brightest Christian voices alive today.  He would likely cringe at hearing this, but it’s true.  Even Time Magazine has called him the “reigning...

4 Great Events To Attend This Fall

This is the time to get involved in four unique and exciting events… 1) Protect My Ministry Tour- Sept 29-Oct 9.  In 14 Cities across Florida, this seminar event will be held for senior pastors and headmasters of Christian schools.  The event will include a special...
Save the Date: Tenth Anniversary Dinner FFPC

Save the Date: Tenth Anniversary Dinner FFPC

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, November 14, 2015For the Conservative Dinner Event of the Year: Florida Family Policy Council’s Tenth Anniversary Celebration Annual Policy Awards Dinner “We Cannot Be Silent”Featuring: Dr. Albert Mohler President, Southern...