Legislative Insider’s Report: Week 9 of 9

It’s a wrap, folks! After 63 days, the Legislature adjourned at 8:52 pm on Monday night after passing the state budget.  While there is rampant speculation that Gov. Scott may veto the budget and force a special session of the Legislature, the 98-14 vote in the...

A Summary Response to the Memorandum Issued by the Office of the General Counsel to the Florida Senate Regarding Conscience Clause for Adoption Agencies and Why HB-7111 is Needed to Protect Florida’s Faith-Based Child Placement Agencies

From the Office of the General Counsel* of the Florida Family Policy Council ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: A Summary Response to the Memorandum Issued by the Office of the General Counsel to the Florida Senate Regarding Conscience Clause for Adoption Agencies and Why HB-7111...