#1: You can sign the petition respectfully urging Florida Governor Rick Scott to stand with other governors in defending and protecting our children.
#2: You can give a gift today to stand with the organization in Florida that’s standing up for our children and grandchildren and is unafraid to stand up to legislators and governors of either party to give your values a voice. Your gift – of $25, $50, $100, or even $500 or more – will go to work right away toward efforts to make sure Florida children have privacy and safety when they use the restroom, locker room, or shower at school. Give to the Florida Family Policy Council today HERE!
#3: You can help us spread this important time-sensitive message by forwarding this blog post to your family and friends who may also be concerned with this issue.
#4: You can contact your US Senator and US Representative in Washington and tell them to declare that Obama’s “guidance” is NOT the intent or proper interpretation of the law and to retake Congress’ proper authority from an out-of-control executive branch.
#5: You can contact your local school board and district superintendent and urge them to protect our children’s privacy and safety. You can tell them Obama’s edict is not binding, it’s not law, and it’s not good for our children. Urge them to refuse to follow the president’s “guidance.”
President Obama and his administration are working to turn our taxpayer-funded schools into a social laboratory experiment that puts children at risk. Will you stand with us today as we refuse to surrender our children’s privacy and safety to President Obama’s political agenda? Declare with us, “Enough is enough!”
Additional Resources:
Please click here for videos, articles, and more to assist you as you make your voice heard on this important issue.