by vmullins | Jun 22, 2012 | Liberty, Life
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, like 99% of liberals, believes that it’s a woman’s, and even a teenage girl’s, right to have an abortion, because it is her body and her choice. Interestingly, or rather, hypocritically, Mayor Bloomberg is the...
by Admin | Jun 19, 2012 | Liberty, News
In a landmark decision, the United State Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has ruled that transgendered employees have protection under Title VII’s prohibition against sex discrimination. Most concerning, they include language from the District...
by grod220 | Jan 7, 2012 | Family, Liberty, Life
NOTE: This is an article I wrote in 2006. Six years later it seems to still be speaking to help us sort out the maze of how to vote with principle in this fallen and broken world we live in. A Principle Based Manifesto on Voting for Social Conservatives By John...
by 0pelerinaje5 | Aug 27, 2010 | Family, Liberty, Life
Faithful till the end… A Perspective on Winning and Losing Elections By John Stemberger So your guy didn’t win the election? Maybe several of your candidates didn’t win. What about all of the time, money and effort you spent? What about the credibility of...
by 0pelerinaje5 | Mar 14, 2007 | Editorials, Family, Liberty, Life, Marriage
The Case for Continuing our Focus on the Family in Matters of Public Policy By John Stemberger Today’s evangelicals are at a crossroads. There is a movement afoot among more moderate evangelicals advocating that conservative Christians adjust our policy focus...
by 0pelerinaje5 | Aug 30, 2006 | Editorials, Family, Liberty, Life
A Principle Based Manifesto on Voting for Social Conservatives By John Stemberger Since I cast my first rather misguided vote in 1980, I have given much thought and consideration toward developing a principle based grid for political decision making. What are...