To protect your children, grandchildren, other children in the community, and protect your business and religious liberty from donate_off.pngharmful legislation, please consider a gift to the Florida Family Policy Council today.   

These days we tend to view the law as something far removed from us, something that happens somewhere else… but as you can see from the bills below, all laws affect you and me, our children and our families, businesses, etc., either directly or indirectly.

We’re here because there is a need.

Please know that your Florida Family Policy Council is able to do the work we do and be as effective as we are, because of the prayers and financial gifts of support made by you and other like-minded mission partners who share our values.   LEGISLATIVE SESSION IS A CRITICAL TIME for us.  Thank you for standing with us!  DONATE HERE.

BAD legislation which we are working to STOP includes bills that:

  • provide a new way for LGBT individuals to sue employers and small businesses, property owners, rental agencies, real estate firms and will allow men access to use women’s showers, locker rooms, bathrooms, group homes, and women’s domestic violence and homeless shelters; 
  • wildly expands dangerous and addicting gaming and casinos throughout Florida, destroying Florida’s family-friendly brand and reputation;
  • prevents professional counselors and others (like pastors) who are licensed counselors, to counsel youth under the age of 18 struggling with their “sexual orientation and/or gender identity” to think and live in a heterosexual manner consistent with their biological gender, even if the child (as the patient) asks for their help to do so;
  • restores taxpayer funding to abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood, which we worked so hard to defund;
  • removes the language in the Florida statute which prohibited same-sex couples from marrying and the State of Florida from recognizing same-sex marriages from other states; and
  • allow grocery stores and large retail stores to sell hard liquor in their main store in large bins next to other groceries and food products giving greater access to both kids and shoplifters.

Your gift today will help us stand strong against the bad bills listed above and will help us promote the good bills listed next! 

GOOD bills we are working to advance will:  

  • financially support crisis pregnancy centers in the state of Florida to provide services to women and their children through the first year of life;
  • give women who have suffered harm from an abortion an opportunity to sue their abortionist for physical and emotional harm incurred;
  • protect women and their unborn children by providing publication of services and organizations which offer life-promoting and sustaining services during and after pregnancy;
  • ensure that school districts cannot interfere with families who choose to homeschool their children without probable cause;
  • offer additional educational options to Florida’s youth and help fund charter schools throughout the state of Florida;
  • help to provide care and support for families in crisis before child abuse/neglect occurs and children must be removed from their homes;
  • help child victims of sex trafficking with a variety of services to help them re-integrate into society;
  • require health education in public schools to include information regarding the dangers and signs of human trafficking;
  • prohibit a school district from discriminating against students, parents, or school personnel on the basis of religious viewpoints or expression, with equal access to all religions and non-religions before, during, and after school;
  • freeze gambling in Florida by limiting gambling to those forms already legalized and require the Governor to renegotiate the state’s compact with the Seminole Tribe, with terms for a 20-year contract; and
  • ask Congress to oppose United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2334, which states that Israel’s settlement activity constitutes a flagrant violation of international law, and retreat from the anti-Israel stance.

Our team is often working around the clock during Legislative Session, and your financial support allows us to continue working to protect and defend our shared values. 

Would you stand with us today with a gift to support our efforts to promote these good bills and stop these bad bills from hurting our children, families, businesses and religious liberty?


Out here on the front lines, we speak truth to power in the legislature, stand for our shared values in the media, educate and equip pastors and grassroots citizens, and inspire, educate, and challenge the next generation. 

This is what we do.  Day in and day out… and our busiest time of year is the Legislative Session.

No one person can do everything, but everyone can do something.

I KNOW everyone can pray for our team, for our efforts, for our elected officials, and for our country.

And I THINK nearly everyone can probably give a gift of some size to partner with us so that we can continue to be “your voice for your values” and do what you may not have the opportunity to.

We must be diligent and continue to work to protect and defend life,

marriage, family, and religious liberty – or we will lose them.

It is not just a cliché to say, “We can’t do this without you,” – it is a fact.

For our children, grandchildren, families, businesses, and religious liberty, I hope you are able to stand with us today.



John Stemberger

PS: Your gift today will help us continue to monitor the 2017 Legislative Session and keep the pressure on to advance the good bills and stop the bad bills.  Thank you for your support!


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