Dear Friend of the Policy Council,

There are so many matters that we are involved with where we have a seat at the table, influencing leaders and decisions at the highest levels of state government and now even working with many leaders on a national level. Most of these matters are sensitive and confidential so we are not at liberty to speak of them publicly.

So it is unusual, but none-the-less important to note, that the most significant work we do is actually work we cannot talk about openly. Work with the research and interviewing of state and federal judges; work organizing meetings with coalitions of pro-life leaders, work in national leader strategy meetings; and dozens of other strategic phone calls and meetings which help pass good laws and to kill bad laws, and help place good people for positions of government and block bad people.

If you believe our work is unique and effective, would you please support us now with a gift right now before the end of the year? Online gifts can be made now here.

We simply can’t fight the battle unless the bills are paid so we are very grateful for your support. 2020 is our 15th anniversary as an organization serving as “your voice, for your values” in the state capitol and beyond. Thank you again for your prayers and support.


John Stemberger

PS- Only days left to support us this year! If you believe our work is unique and effective, would you please support us now with a gift here:

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