Help us say YES!
Only your gifts will help us say YES to these questions in the months ahead:
Will we be able to protect Florida’s children from the dangerous LGBTQ agenda and indoctrination?
Will we be able to protect young girl’s and women’s privacy in bathrooms, showers and locker rooms or will sexual orientation gender identity (SOGI) laws and ordinances, giving special protected rights to the LGBTQ community, be considered more important and new laws created for a select few?
Will we be able to protect small business owners in Florida from being forced to operate their business against their conscience and their religious convictions, or be sued with costly lawsuits and lose everything – as we see being attempted in other states?
Will we be able to protect our right to worship and truly live out our faith in our daily lives or will we be forced to restrict living out our faith to the hour we are in church on Sunday morning?
Only YOUR gifts can help us protect Florida’s children, women, families, small businesses, religious freedom and churches.
Large or small, every gift is important and we must each do what we can to protect these timeless values.
I think about what God has accomplished through us together, made possible by your gifts, and I am truly humbled. In fact, other leaders are AMAZED to find we have such a small organization for the impact we make.
We don’t want to be proud, but we can honestly say that no one in Florida is doing the type of work we do and operates in this space with historic, strategic, and unique RESULTS.
And I also know we can’t take past accomplishments for granted. We each have an important role to play.
You invest and pray…
We work and pray…
And God brings about the results!
Our vision is to see a Florida where God is honored, life is cherished, families thrive and religious liberty flourishes.
But we won’t see that happen without support and prayers from like-minded mission partners like you.
I hope you will join me with a gift today as we prepare for 2019!
John Stemberger, President
PS: Your gift will help us say YES to protect Florida’s babies, children, families, communities, small businesses, religious liberty and churches in 2019! Work like this can’t happen without you. Thank you for your support and please know how much we appreciate you.
Pictures of our 2018 Pro-Family Days and Legislative Prayer Breakfast.
Florida Family Policy Council
4853 S. Orange Ave, Suite C, Orlando, FL 32806
[email protected] * Phone: 407-251-5130