(TALLAHASSEE, FL) On Wednesday evening, Governor Scott vetoed SB 106, dubbed “Whiskey and Wheaties” by the media. The bill, if passed, would have allowed grocery stores and big box retailers (like Walmart and Target) to sell hard liquor in the same way that they sell other food and consumer products. Currently, hard liquor must be sold in a stand-alone store or a wall must separate the main store and the liquor store.
Supporters of the measure claimed that the requirement for a wall was antiquated and that the bill was simply implementing the free market. Opponents attacked the measure as bad for small business and as opening the door to increased consumption and theft by youth and those struggling with alcoholism.
Florida Family Action supporters, along with many other opponents of the bill, sent almost 10,000 communications to Governor Scott asking him to veto this bad bill.
John Stemberger, President and General Counsel of Florida Family Policy Council, issued the following statement:
“I want to thank Governor Scott for his leadership on this issue. While we know that he has been under pressure from those on both sides of the issue, he did the best thing for Florida’s families. Alcoholism is far too prevalent in our society and we believe that appropriate safeguards should be kept ensuring that we do not exacerbate the epidemic in Florida, especially with our youth. Government has a role in protecting citizens by placing reasonable restrictions on addictive and mind-altering substances. In this case, in the end, the government did the right thing. I would also like to thank FFA supporters for responding to the call to take action which played a major role in killing this bad bill.”