Dear Mission Partner,

As we prepare this weekend to celebrate Easter, we think about giving and sacrifice. Easter is a time of new life and a reminder that through Christ we can also have a new beginning.  For the millions of children aborted each year, they are not given even a first chance at life.

Easter is a day we celebrate God’s gift of the ultimate sacrifice of His Son and Jesus giving His life so that we could live. We now live in a culture that says it is ok to sacrifice our children for comforts and wants of the flesh. This weekend, as we focus on this Holy Day, will you think and pray about what sacrifice you would be willing to make to help us further our mission? We need to help these children have a chance at life and to change our culture to one where, once again, the idea of giving up our children is unconscionable.

Our annual fundraising dinner is coming up at the Rosen Centre Hotel on May 11th. We would love to have you join us and hear how Abby Johnson, who was once an abortion advocate has changed her life and is now dedicating her life to help end abortion. Even if you cannot attend, would you consider donating to our cause? Across the Nation, a line is drawn in the sand in regards to abortion, and we need to fight to make sure Florida stays on the right side of this line, and that we make it known that we are not okay sacrificing our children.

We are experiencing a unique and exciting moment in the history of the pro-life movement with the explosion of the major movie “Unplanned,” the true story of Abby Johnson, and we want you to be part of it.

If you would like to join us, you can register or donate through the link below. Thank you so much for your support and prayers.


John Stemberger
Florida Family Policy Council

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