Dear Friend,
As many of you are aware, the Church Ambassador Network is the church engagement department of Florida Family Voice. We are reaching out to the thousands of faithful Florida pastors to invite them to our flagship program called, “The Florida Capitol Project”.
2025 will be the 7th year of FCP ministry at the Florida Statehouse where we help connect Florida’s pastors with their elected representatives and civic officials. We have been honored to host hundreds of pastors through the years in Tallahassee and provide opportunity for life-changing ministry moments between the shepherds of God’s Church and the ministers of civic government (Romans 13:4).
Below is a flyer that you can download for this year’s dates and schedule of what will be happening on the statehouse grounds while pastors are there. For more information, visit the Florida Church Ambassador Network website.
You may also reach out through the website contact page to have any question or inquiry addressed. We can provide testimonials and contacts from some of Florida’s most influential pastors to offer the highest level of confidence in the ministry which is taking place. This contact page is where you can let us know that you wish to register for an FCP experience. We will share all the information you will need upon registration contact.
May I ask just TWO important favors from you, our friends of FFV?
1. If you are a pastor receiving this email, would you take a moment to pray and ask the Lord if this is something He might want you to do? Our elected leaders are literally begging us to bring pastors to the Capitol so they might be strengthened and encouraged in the work God has called them to. Believe it or not, the sight of a pastor in the halls of government is still unique and your presence would bring immeasurable encouragement. If you are a concerned church member and have a heart for pastors’ involvement on the civic mission field, would you pass this information along to your pastor so they might know of the good work taking place in Tallahassee?
2. We do our best to underwrite much of the expense of bringing pastors to Tallahassee for these ministry moments. At this time, we can cover their meals while visiting with us on Monday nights and Tuesday mornings. For many pastors, the travel and hotel expenses are not a problem, but other faithful shepherds are not in the same position to bear the burden of those costs. We are also reaching next generation pastors, pastors in training, and students in Bible Colleges and Seminaries to expose them to the important work of engaging the civic arena. We would love to have the financial resources available to make sure every pastor who desires to come to the statehouse has that opportunity no matter their personal financial situation. Would you consider supporting FFV in this growing endeavor by sending a one-time gift or better yet, becoming a monthly faithful friend with us? Your gift will go a long way in maintaining a pastoral presence at the Florida State Capitol.
The Tallahassee Team of the Florida Capitol Project is praying that this 7th year of ministry will see a great outpouring of God’s Spirit upon the work and ministry, as well as an unprecedented attendance from Florida’s pastors. Please join with us in asking the Lord of the harvest for more laborers and workers in this exciting mission field (Matthew 9:37-38). As a friend of FFV, you are appreciated more than you will ever know. Thank-you for your prayers and consideration.
God’s blessing to you,
Kevin R. Baird, M.Div., D.Min.
Executive Director
Church Ambassador Network of Florida
P.S. Your gift to Florida Family Voice is fully tax deductible.
Please indicate “Pastor Gift” in the notes section.
Note: If you are a pastor who speaks Spanish and need a translator, one will be available during the 2005 Florida Capitol Project session.