Florida Family Action hosted its 2016 GOP Battle for Florida event on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at 7 PM in the greater Orlando area. The event included an overview of where the presidential candidates stood on current issues, an analysis of their strengths and weaknesses, a panel discussion of political experts, questions from the audience and a straw vote poll. The straw vote poll results are as follows:

  1. Senator Marco Rubio (33.7%)
  2. Senator Ted Cruz (30.3%)
  3. Governor Jeb Bush and Governor Scott Walker (tie at 8.9%)
  4. Senator Rick Santorum (6.7%)
  5. Senator Rand Paul (4.5%)
  6. Ben Carson (3.4%)
  7. Governor Mike Huckabee (2.2%)
  8. Governor Rick Perry (1.1%)
  9. Write In: Donald Trump



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