As first published on


Dear Friend,

TODAY is our Chance to See the Defunding of Planned Parenthood!

Many of us watched in horror last week as a fourth undercover video was released showing Planned Parenthood staff proclaim “Another Boy!” as they dissected an aborted infants body parts on a plate.

Now we finally have a chance to do something about it…

Any hour now, today, Monday August 3rd, the U.S. Senate will be voting to prohibit the nation’s largest abortion provider from receiving taxpayer funds. According to their 2013-2014 annual report, Planned Parenthood received more than $500 million dollars of taxpayer money!

This undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood has given us a rare moment that we cannot let escape. The brutal and grizzly fact of what abortion is has been put on public display for all to see.  The media has tried to ignore this human travesty and are more concerned with a dentist who illegally killed an African lion than with a publicly funded organization that “legally” kills babies and then illegally sells their body parts.  Our nation has been exposed to Planned Parenthood’s dangerous and deadly practices, and now is the chance some of us having been waiting and working for decades to see– to cut off PP’s federal funding.

Action Needed:

1) IMMEDIATELY Contact US Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio and ask them to vote YES on S. 1881. Let them know that Planned Parenthood should not receive a dime of taxpayer money.   The 53 Republican Senators need 7 Democrat Senators to total 60 votes to pass the measure.  Bill Nelson publicly professes to be a Christian but has never voted pro-life.  Let’s pray Senator Nelson’s conscience is awakened and let’s respectfully urge him to do the right thing on this vote.

Senator Bill Nelson

D.C. Office Number: 202-224-5274

Contact Page:

Senator Rubio has shown his support by being a Co-sponsor of the bill S. 1881, the effort to end our tax payers dollars going to fund Planned parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America.  Please call and thank Senator Marco Rubio.

Senator Marco Rubio

D.C. Office Number: 202-224-3041

Contact Page: 

You can use this sample email text below to ask Senator Bill Nelson to vote YES on S. 1881:

A series of undercover videos has exposed Planned Parenthood’s dangerous and deadly practices.

These videos have shown top Planned Parenthood officials and medical staff callously discussing the strategic dismemberment of pre-born children for the possible sale of their organs.

According to their most recent annual report, Planned Parenthood received more than $500 million in federal funds. This is unacceptable.

Please, stop this inhumane organization from receiving a dime of taxpayer money. Vote YES on S. 1181.

2) Spread the word! Forward this email to all your friends and family in Florida immediately and have them contact their U.S. Senators also, and tweet their Senators using the hashtag #DefundPlannedParenthood

3) Pray! Pray this law passes, and that life is protected in America.

Last week I was quoted in the Associated Press (AP) news story regarding Gov. Rick Scott ordering state health officials to inspect the Planned Parenthood clinics that perform abortions and I also encouraged him to lead the effort to cut off all state funding of Planned Parenthood in Florida. That article can be readhere.

This could be our Wilberforce moment in history.  We will never rest until the shedding of innocent blood stops.

Thanks again for taking action on behalf of the least of these…

John Stemberger
Florida Family Action, Legislative Arm of the Florida Family Policy Council

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