Information and Resources
Preparing for Adoption
Focus on the Family
In some ways, adoption is like pregnancy. Both are filled with expectations and the hope of an expanded family, but it is also a time of uncertainty. It is critical for families to evaluate their expectations and be realistic about their limitations. Certainly God is in control of our circumstances, but it’s important to pay attention to His voice throughout this process. The better prepared your family is, the more you’ll feel ready to navigate the waters of adoption.
Adoption Options
Katie Overstreet, Focus on the Family
Adoption options include domestic foster care, domestic infant, international, open, closed and embryo.
Choosing the Right Adoption Agency
Julie Stobbe, Focus on the Family
Just as every person has a unique fingerprint, each adoption agency is unique as well. Learn what services they provide and consider how those services meet your preferences and needs.
Questions to Ask When Considering Adoption
Julie Stobbe, Focus on the Family
It’s important to keep in mind that you can select the type of adoption with which you are most comfortable. If you choose either an open or semi-open plan, you will be able to establish a relationship with the adoptive parents before your child’s birth. You will be able to communicate with the family and know how your child is growing and flourishing in their new home.
Adoption Works Well: A Synthesis of the Literature
Family Research Council
Adoption is life-alteringly beneficial for children. Such is the general conclusion from a review of the literature. Adoption in the first 12 months of the child’s life produces the best outcomes, but all children will benefit, regardless of their age at placement. Adopted children outperform their non-adopted peers and non-adopted siblings.
Adoption From Foster Care
Katie Overstreet, Focus on the Family
Although many children in foster care have special needs, they are in need of a family as much as any waiting child.
How Faith, Foster Care, and Adoption Go Together (Video Lecture)
The Heritage Foundation
Strengthening foster care and adoption through partnership with faith-based agencies and communities.
Keep Kids First: Prioritizing the Needs of Children in Adoption and Foster Care (Video Lecture)
The Heritage Foundation
When governments threaten to shut down faith-based adoption and foster care providers, kids are the ones who suffer.
States Must Stop the War on Faith-Based Adoption Agencies
Monica Burke, The Heritage Foundation
Catholic Charities of Buffalo represents another example in a disturbing trend toward driving out faith-based agencies from America’s child welfare system entirely—a trend that could cause children immeasurable harm.
Websites, Books and Media
Wait No More
A ministry of Focus on the Family
Christians have a clear command to care for children, and there are many ways to get involved—praying, giving, mobilizing your church, fostering, or adopting. However you decide to make a difference, we’ll provide guidance and support as you walk down this incredibly rewarding path. Our hope is that you will begin to see the face of Christ in these precious children!
Florida Baptist Children’s Homes
Florida Department of Children and Families
Florida’s adoption initiative aimed at promoting the benefits of public adoption. Explore Adoption urges families to consider creating or expanding their families by adopting a child who is older, has special needs, or is a part of a sibling group.
Wrapping Around Adoptive Families (Booklet)
Focus on the Family
There are many different ways to minister to God’s orphan children and to the adoptive families that have welcomed these children home. This booklet from Focus on the Family makes it clear that struggling adoptive families need their church families to support them during times of trials.
Adoption and Orphan Care Resource Kit
Focus on the Family
Your guide to making a difference in the life of a waiting child. This kit is designed to help you and your family be a blessing to waiting kids in your community and around the globe. Inside, you’ll learn more about the adoption and foster care process, practical ways to support adoptive families and inspiring ways to pray for orphans.
Understanding Attachment Challenges in Adoptive Families (Podcast)
Focus on the Family
Author Shannon Guerra offers help to parents struggling to cultivate a bond with their adopted children. She also suggests ways we can support adoptive families.
Adoption In Florida (Pamphlet)
The Florida Bar
What is adoption? Who may adopt? General information about adoption procedures in Florida, etc.