The South Brevard Ministerial Association &
Christian Ministers and Ministries in South Brevard Presents:
John Stemberger
President of the Florida Family Policy Council
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
11:45AM to 1:00PM
The Salvation Army
1080 Hickory Street, Melbourne, FL 32901
RSVP to Bob Llewellyn by text or phone at 321-501-9146 or email at [email protected] to make reservations to attend this important luncheon, and whether you will stay for the brief workshop afterwards. NOTE: When John Stemberger spoke previously it was one of our best attended events ever. Register by RSVP’ing now because there will be limited seating due to social distancing requirements of the facility hosting the lunch.
********** Special Workshop & Briefing After the Luncheon Program ************
Same Location 1:15pm -2:00pm
Attend an inspiring, fast-paced, 45-minute seminar by Dr. Kevin Baird on a new, effective, and fresh template for Pastors and Churches to engage civic government.
This includes…
Updates on what the Lord is doing at the Florida State Capitol.
The vision of activating 12,000 Bible-believing, evangelical churches in Florida to impact their civic representatives with prayer and the Gospel.
The plan to connect the shepherds of God’s Church (Pastors) with the shepherds of God’s civic government (Representatives).
How Pastors can pray, partner, and impact public policy with their civic representatives.