What you need to know this month and beyond:
Connecting with each other around our big state!
ACTION ALERT: Wednesday, January 15: Tallahassee
Parental Consent before abortion bill is up in the second of third Senate committees. The Judiciary committee will meet and hear the bill at 10:30am- 12:30pm in Tallahassee, 515 Knott Building, Tony Jennings Committee Room. Come and testify in favor of the bill or just wear BLUE in support and put on a “Support Parental Rights” sticker we will have available.
Wednesday, January 15: Daytona Beach
GOP Club of Volusia County – John Stemberger to be keynote speaker. Sign up for this packed house luncheon event here: https://www.
Starting Mon & Tues, Jan 20-21: Tallahassee
Florida Capitol Project – Bringing the shepherds of God’s church to the shepherds of God’s government. Bringing pastors to Tallahassee to pray with and directly minster to legislators developing important relationships. Every Monday and Tuesday during session. Sign up for these events here: https://www.flfamily.org/
Week of January 22: Cities across Florida
Anniversary of Roe vs Wade – memorial events in almost every major region of the state. Many of these are held outside abortion clinics. If there is not an event being in your area, consider showing the movie Unplanned in your church as a moving and educational pro-life event.
Saturday, January 25: Pensacola
44th Annual Governmental Prayer Breakfast – John Stemberger will be the Keynote speaker. Tickets and information here: https://www.facebook.com/
Mon & Tues, Jan 27-28: Tallahassee
Pro-Life, Pro-Family Days at the Capitol – If you have never been to this event it has been called life changing and perspective altering. Dynamic speakers, great food, worship, training on bills, prayer, and meeting our top champion legislators in Florida. Visit the Florida Supreme Court, watch the legislative session in progress and meet remarkable people. Sign up here: https://www.flfamily.org/
Mon – Wed, June 15-17: Tallahassee
Patriot Academy Southeast – Plan now and register your student early for this intensive leadership boot camp for young adults. If you are between the ages of 16-25, you have the opportunity to participate in this amazing program which features training in communications, worldview, debate, leadership, politics, law, and history. For three days you will live and work in the Florida Capitol. Register here: https://www.flfamily.org/
Florida Family Policy Council
4853 S. Orange Ave, Suite C, Orlando, FL 32806
[email protected] * Phone: 407-251-5130