People ask us all the time, “What can I do to be more involved with FFPC and your work?”
Well, other than sign up for our emails alerts and following us on social media, the answer is clearly attending our annual Pro-Family Days at the Capitol event!

This year our Pro-Family Days event will be held live in-person on Monday and Tuesday, March 15 and 16, in our capital city of Tallahassee.


Download Printable Pro-Family Days Flyer

Normally, a couple of hundred interest groups all have their “Days at the Capitol” during Florida’s annual spring Legislative Session. But this year, almost every group has decided to cancel or do a virtual event in light of COVID-19. Even some of our friends with the Catholic Conference have decided to do a virtual event.

However, after a long discussion and prayer with our team we are moving forward with a live, but COVID-safe event in the capital city.

There is really nothing else like this event. There will be praise and worship, powerful testimonies, great food, fellowship, bill workshops, briefings from leading legislators, prayer walks around the capitol and other surprises that we are planning.

We hope you can plan to join us for the life changing event. Register or learn more here.

John Stemberger, President and General Counsel

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