Today Nov 8th is Election Day.

Your vote could very well be the one with the power to make the difference.  The Presidential Election in Florida will be very close.  Florida is also a key swing state needed in order to win the Presidency.  In others words, your vote doesn’t just count– it really counts. 

If you are voting today, plan out time to study the sample ballot in your county and to study the candidates and questions you will be asked and then know where your polling place is located.

Voter Guides with information on candidates, amendments, and judges can all be found here:

Voting at the Polls
The polls are open today on Election Day, from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
If you do not know where your polling place is, contact your Supervisor of Elections. You can also find your precinct and polling place on your county Supervisor of Elections’ website.

You will be asked to provide at the polls a valid photo ID with signature. Any one of the following photo IDs will be accepted:

  • Florida driver’s license
  • Florida identification card issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
  • United States passport
  • Debit or credit card
  • Military identification
  • Student identification
  • Retirement center identification
  • Neighborhood association identification
  • Public assistance identification.

If your photo ID does not include your signature, you will be asked to provide another ID that has your signature.

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