Do one of these statements describe you? If so, can we still count on you?

… You know (or have heard) about how powerful it is to personally sit across from and communicate to your elected officials about issues of importance to you – but you can’t get away to join us in Tallahassee next Monday and Tuesday (January 25-26, 2016) for Pro-Family Lobbying Days at the Capitol and Legislative Prayer Breakfast.

… You wanted to join us for this event but you have too many other previous work or family commitments.

Pro-Family Days Flyer FINAL JPEG cropped border.jpg… Or maybe, you pray for your elected officials and will email or call them at critical times when we send out alerts, but sitting across from them and talking about supporting or opposing bills is a bit of a stretch for you.

You may not be able to be there in person, but your support with a gift today can help to pay for a pastor and his wife to attend, making “your voice for your values” heard through the halls of the Capitol and offices of legislators, in Tallahassee, next week at Pro-Family Days!  donate_off.png

This is our third year hosting Pro-Family Days at the Capitol, and literally months of time, planning, and effort goes into preparing for and hosting this event.

This event is held every year on the third week of session at the same time Equality Florida, Planned Parenthood and the Muslim Days at the capitol are being held!  We try and show personal kindness to our opponents but also show them we are going to be watching them like a hawk and are prepared to alert and help kill any bad bill which rears its ugly head during the process and will face off against them toe to toe in committee hearings and mobilize voters to be heard.

Because of the time it takes to promote the event to people all over the state, plan the training, print the materials, organize the expert speakers on the bill topics, rent the facility, host meals, organize the annual Legislative Prayer Breakfast, invite legislators, plan the program.… for a two-day event, it is a very costly venture.  And, even though we “sell tickets” to the event, the tickets don’t even begin to cover the cost of the event.

DSC_6025.jpgYou see, we keep the cost as low as possible for those attending, so as many people as possible can attend.  (Tickets are only $50 for citizen lobbyists, and only $25 for pastors, full-time ministry leaders, and students!)

Because we value people and the impact we can make with legislators, more than profits, every year we are able to host well over a 100 pastors, citizen lobbyists, and even some students (investing in the next generation) from all over the state.  So while legislators are hearing from our direct opponents – scheduled on the very same days – they will also have the benefit of hearing the facts of our side of the issues.

Here are some ideas of how your gift will help us today in preparation for next week.

A gift of $25 will help to cover the cost of a student who feels called to this work.

A gift of $50 could help to cover the cost of a pastor and his wife.

A gift of $100 could help toward large vehicle rentals to transport staff, equipment, training materials, etc. up to Tallahassee from our main office in Orlando.

A gift of $250 could go toward helping us cover the cost of use of the facility for the event.

A gift of any size would be greatly appreciated, and can be given HERE.                                   

Group shot 2015

If you have been following us for any length of time, you know how strongly we feel about spending only the funds we have, and/or know we can count on.  This is a rare instance as we step out in faith, because historically, we have found that this is one expense/event that God blesses by moving on the hearts of those who can’t attend but understand the importance of the mission and are grateful for the opportunity to participate with financial support.

Through these gifts, God has minimized our financial loss or made financial ends meet!

SO, wanting to be good stewards, every year we give YOU, the opportunity to partner with us, to be part of the event by helping us underwrite some of the cost of the event.  Can we count on you this year?

Will you participate in Pro-Family Lobbying Days at the Capitol with a gift today?  If so, click HERE.

We know, and elected officials will be the first to tell you, NOTHING is more powerful or persuasive regarding supporting or opposing a pending bill, than having a voter – or a pastor – or a group of people – from their own district, sitting in front of them and explaining why he or she should vote for or against a bill.

We are looking forward to a tremendous Pro-Family Lobbying Days at the Capitol event this year, and we are so grateful for your time as you follow our emails, your prayers which lift, protect and encourage us, and your support which makes our shared mission to protect life, marriage, family and religious liberty possible. 

Thank you for your prayerful consideration, your generosity and your faithfulness.  We couldn’t do this great work without you.




John Stemberger

PS:  Thank you for considering a gift today!  And if you would still like to ATTEND Pro-Family Days at the Capitol, you can register HERE!  Registration will remain open until midnight on Friday, January 22, 2016.  If you have any questions, please call our office at 407-251-5130.

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