Have you tried calling us this week to register for Pro-Family Days with special guest Pam Tebow and been unable to get through? We have been the victim of a cyber attack (DDOS) coupled with some hardware failure which has taken down our phone lines! We have been doing everything we can to restore service and were able to come up with a temporary solution using Google voice. If you call the office now, you can leave a message and someone will return your call as soon as possible.
We want to be as responsive as possible to everyone that is contacting FFPC and not having phone lines is a major problem. A lot of time and expense is needed to fully restore phone service and we could really use your help covering these unexpected costs. Would you please pray about donating to Florida Family Policy Council? If you are able to donate, we are accepting online donations. Thank you for your generosity and prayers.
FFPC’s Pro-Family Days at the Capitol is quickly approaching and we wanted to let you know that space is limited. We are fully expecting to sell out this event! If you have not yet registered, we suggest that you do it now as we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate last-minute registrations this year. The Pro-Family Days event is an eye-opening and empowering event that always gets rave reviews so register today to reserve your spot!
Our theme this year is “A Celebration of Life” and our Keynote Speaker for the Legislative Prayer Breakfast is Pam Tebow. Pam is the mother of Heisman Trophy winner and NFL quarterback, Tim Tebow, who made headlines with his outspoken Christian faith. During his stint in the NFL, Pam and Tim recorded a Super Bowl commercial which, according to a Barna survey, resulted in 5.5 million people “having cause to rethink their stand on abortion.” Check out the commercial in the video below!
We really want to see you at Pro-Family Days, so please make sure that you register today!
If you have any questions or are interested in helping to sponsor the event, please the office at (407) 251-5130. (As noted at the beginning of the email, you will need to leave a message and someone will return your call until we are able to permanently restore service.)