Florida Family Voice Blog
Latest News
Our Position on Pro-Life Petition Campaigns to Amend the Florida Constitution
It is critical to understand that the text of our constitution is not the problem. Instead, the problem lies with the liberal activist judges on the court in 1989 that clearly misinterpreted it. Therefore, we do not need to amend our state Constitution to “fix” our constitution because there is no abortion right in it.
We made it! Plus upcoming events…
You made it happen! We are so thankful to everyone that gave in our year-end campaign to reach our goal of raising $200,000.
Whoa! we are almost there…
If you have not made a year end gift yet, would you join us by making an investment in our work here before 2022 ends?
From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!
This Joyous Season celebrates the very miracle of human life, precious from the first moment of conception, and embodied in the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
2022 Year in Review Report Enclosed with Historic Special Offer…
How much good has happened here in the Sunshine State in 2022? Download our 2022 year in review to see some of the incredible accomplishments that your generous support enabled this year.
It All Starts Today…
Good Morning! My team and I are grateful for your prayers and support given to FFPC this year. I wanted to let you know that we are be pursuing an ambitious end of year goal of $200,000 for our end-of-year campaign, which starts today with Giving Tuesday. We are...
???? 2022 Election Breakdown: Video: What the Midterms Mean for Families Featuring FFPC’s John Stemberger
2022 Election Breakdown Join John Stemberger in this video featuring a roundtable discussion moderated by Craig DeRouche and Autumn Leva of our national partner organization Family Policy Alliance.Watch this informative video and learn: What the election means for...
Order Voter Guides for Your Church
Order printed Florida voter guides for distribution at your church for the 2022 General Election.
Ask Sen. Marco Rubio a Question in Our Virtual Town Hall
Sign up to be part of this dynamic exchange with our US Senator Marco Rubio. He will be giving us an insider’s briefing on DC politics and we will be dialoguing on the hot topics in American politics, religion, culture and big tech.
BREAKING NEWS: Gov. DeSantis appoints Renatha Francis to the Florida Supreme Court
Renatha Francis’ judicial philosophy is one of restraint and she will interpret the law and the constitution as an originalist and a textualist.
Special Notes
Thanking God for Our Independence…
On behalf of everyone associated with Florida Family Voice, I want to wish you and your family a wonderful Independence Day holiday. We are celebrating our nation’s 248th anniversary of the day our forefathers declared independence from a tyrannical government in England. ‘Freedom’ was the word then and ‘Freedom’ is still the word today.
Vote No on 4 Campaign Launches to Defeat The Deceptive and Extreme Amendment 4
Today, Vote No On 4 Florida formally launched its multilingual campaign to defeat Amendment 4 on the upcoming November ballot with the unveiling of new websites in both English and Spanish and the rollout of its first campaign video entitled “Not What it Seems” which exposes the deceptive nature and extreme ramifications of Amendment 4.
Announcing 2025 Dates for the Florida Capitol Project
The dates for the 2025 Florida Capitol Project have been announced! Pastors, please mark your calendars! If you’re not a pastor, please share this event with yours. To God be the glory!