Florida Family Voice Blog

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The Death of Terri Schiavo — Years Later

Principled Thinking & Christian Perspectives on Euthanasia and the End of Life March 31, 2006 By John Stemberger, President and General Counsel Florida Family Policy Council www.FLFamily.org One Year Later Friday March 31, 2006 marks the one year anniversary since...

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In Everything Give Thanks

"During a cold day in November, the week of thanksgiving in 1959, we had no heat in the house, mother was very ill with asthma, and daddy had left at 6:00 a.m. for work as he faithfully did every morning, trying to make things better for us. During that week in which...

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Because You are My Son

Tonight, my son asked me a profound and interesting question. He wondered, "How do we turn to dust when we die?" Now, how do you respond to a question like that in terms that a five year old can understand? I don't remember reading that in my "Parenting for Dummies"...

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